
Eamon’s Ride

Eamon's Ride :: The unknown bike ambassador of Co. Sligo, Ireland

This is Eamon. The Simpson family met him on the road near his home in Co. Sligo, Ireland when we stopped to admire his bike. He told us he has never owned a car, using this bike for all his transportation needs since he bought it for £16 in the 60’s. Eamon’s eloquence about the bike and its usefulness soon convinced us he should be world ambassador for human-powered transportation. Alas, he has never been out of Co. Sligo and has not had the chance to deliver his message to those in need of it.

CRBC Member Succeeds in Wal-Mart Bike Rack Effort

Wal-Mart Bike Rack :: Thanks to Terri's efforts, this new rack now rests in front of the Benner Pike Wal-Mart

Congratulations and thanks to CRBC member Terri Lukens-Gable who has succeeded in her single-handed effort to have a bike rack placed at the Benner Pike Wal-Mart. Here’s her account of the effort:

“After 6 months of back and forth with the Benner Pike WalMart and their corporate office, they now have a bike rack again. The history of this started last year when they started construction to become a ‘Super Center.’ The bicycle rack that they had understandably disappeared during construction.

After the grand re-opening in September 2005, it was not replaced.

I didn’t make a fuss until after the beginning of the new year and in February I was a bit too eagerly told that they ‘would not be replacing the bike rack.’ Discouraged, I dropped the subject until I read about your victory in clearing the Wegman’s bike rack area. Mid May, I called the WalMart corporate office to explain that the decision of their Benner Pike Super Center to not replace it’s bike rack was ‘unacceptable.’ Within 2 days, I received information that a new bike rack had been ordered.

Last Friday, June 16, a rack with over 25 ports for bicycles was installed in the very front of the store. I went to check it out and photograph it that evening and met a man who was unlocking his bicycle from one of the benches. I told him about the new bike rack which he had not noticed and he brought his bike down to be photographed along with mine. He seemed very pleased and I hope others will be too.

Thanks for your encouragement and support!

CRBC Proposes Construction of Bohdan T. Kulakowski Memorial Bikeway

Location of the proposed bikeway

CRBC is submitting requests to PennDOT and College and Harris Townships to begin the planning process for construction of a bike path along Warner Drive to connect the South Atherton Street Bikeway and the bike path from Mount Nittany Middle School to the planned Oak Hall Park.

The proposed bikeway would allow cyclists and pedestrians to access the park from Boalsburg and State College via off-road paths. It would be located along the road (see photo) where Dr. Kulakowski was killed while cycling home from work on March 22 of this year. The proposal includes a rest stop and memorial for Dr. Kulakowski.


This project is part of CRBC’s program to develop complete streets (see and to connect parks to communities via paths which will enhance safety and encourage everyone to explore and travel our community using their own power. Such paths will especially improve fitness and development of mobility and independence among children by allowing parents to urge them to navigate their community by bicycle.

We hope the improvement in health and quality of life produced by this path will serve as a fitting memorial to a dedicated cyclist who is missed by all who knew him.

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