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Meeting Minutes – October 2015

MINUTES of CentreBike General Meeting

October 12, 2015

Meeting held at the State College Borough Building


  • Jim Serene, President
  • Anna Nelson, Vice President
  • Joan Potter, Secretary
  • Paul Barsom, Treasurer
  • Paul Rito
  • Kelly Doyle
  • Jean Bemis
  • Mark Davison
  • Brucie Serene
  • Allan Stoekl
  • Timothy Wheeler

Meeting called to order by Jim Serene at 5:30 pm.  A quorum was present, and the meeting was ready to proceed with business.

The minutes of the September meeting were accepted.


Nominations for 2016 Officers and Executive Committee

Anna Nelson agreed to accept Presidency, if elected, and Joan Potter agreed to continue serving as Secretary. Jim Serene stated he would serve on the Executive Committee, as did Paul Rito. Nominees for consideration for the Vice President, Treasurer and Executive Committee positions include:

  • Allan Stoekl
  • Jean Bemis
  • Mark Davison
  • Catherine Grigor
  • Kelly Doyle
  • Mark Higgins
  • Dan Stearns
  • Henry Margusity
  • Ed Jenkins


Centre Inspires Grant

Jim Serene and Anna Nelson will attend the Centre Foundation annual banquet on October 28th for the announcement of the winner of the $100,000 grant. Other members are encouraged to attend, too.


4 ft Pass Law

Anna reported there has been a lot of interest in the Ferguson Twp signage on Blue Course Drive promoting the 4 ft Pass Law. Trish Meek has asked PennDOT to consider posting the message on other signs around Centre County, as they are all programmed simultaneously.


Regional Bike Plan

The Centre Region Bike Plan has been shared with the public for comments. Trish Meek will be presenting the plan at a meeting at each township over the next month. Notices will be sent to encourage cyclists to attend these meetings via the listserv, other bike organizations, Facebook, and notices in bike shops.


Centre County Community Super Fair

CentreBike will have a table at the Super Fair, sponsored by the Centre County Council of Human Services, on Nov 14th from 10:00-2:00 at the Mt Nittany Middle School. This event is to promote local human services organizations to residents and highlight opportunities for volunteering.!super-fair/c5sh/image_df3


High School Driver’s Education Program

Kelly Doyle outlined the 45-minute bicycle awareness program created for the State College High Drivers Ed classes. It’s anticipated to reach ~400 students during the school year.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 6:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary

Like Bikes?

We need you!  
If you care about issues facing bicyclists, your input is vital to improving Centre Region’s Bicycle Friendly Community status. We want your ideas and your feedback. CentreBike isn’t sustainable with just a handful of volunteers… we need help. Whether you have an hour a month or a couple times a year – any help is always appreciated.

And any member, regardless of whether you just joined or have been a member for years, is welcome to serve on the Board. We have open positions to fill for the upcoming year, and without an active board there would be no CentreBike!  For information on available positions, please contact President Jim Serene ( or Vice President Anna Nelson (, or just come to the  November 9th meeting and express your interest!

We’re Promoting the 4 ft. Pass Law

Have you driven on Blue Course Drive in Ferguson Township over the past week?

If so, you may have noticed a large variable message board, prominently placed on the shoulder, along the Penn State Golf Course property. It’s been flashing the same message for nearly a week:  “PASSING A BICYCLIST, KEEP 4 FT AWAY, IT’S THE LAW. 

This message, which references PA state law (Motorists must allow 4 feet when passing a bicyclist), was a collaboration between CentreBike members and the Ferguson Police force, who owns the message board. We’ve found that many local motorists and cyclists are unfamiliar with the 4 ft pass law. This law is vital for cyclist safety, and we believe more can be done to raise awareness in our community. We’re glad that Ferguson police support us in this effort!

CentreBike has plans in the works to continue promotion of the 4 ft pass law in Centre County —  so you may be seeing more messages soon.

Have ideas or want to help with the 4 foot pass law promotion? Send us a message, or join us at our next general meeting.

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