Centre Bike August 2024 General Membership Mtg Minutes

CentreBike August Membership Meeting Agenda

August 8, 2024 at 17:30 at the State College Borough Building, Room 220 and online Zoom


  • Welcome
  • Attending: Paul Rito, Jeff Luck, michele chernega, Chris Murrell, Mark Davison, Jasmine Fields
  • Treasurer’s Report: Paul reports Balance: $16,227.55 
  • Stakeholder Reports
    1. Centre Region Council of Government NA
    2. Penn State/Bike Den NA
    3. State College Borough Jasmine reports working with Ann for future events and will report back and noted her work with PA Environmental Council for “Bikes & Bees’  and “Bike & Brews” Rides
    4. Municipalities/Government  NA
    5. Centre Region Bicycle Advisory Committee Next mtg is in-person at Bike Den Jasmine says Advisory committee required for BFC application. CB looking into combining CRBAC with CB or at least coordinate mtgs and coordinate efforts
  • Public Comment NA
  • New Business
    1. HVAB Rides site partnership and HVAB Membership
    2. Bike Rodeo – Takac 9/10 Harvest Fields 5pm Jeff Luck reported that he is volunteering. CB purchased reflective ankle straps and may attach membership form.
    3. Cub Scouts – 8/27 – Bernel (Rain – MNUMChurch) 6pm
  • Old Business
    1. LionBASH –  8/29 5-8pm Paul reported that CB purchased reflective ankle straps and may attach membership form, although students w/ ID may have them for free
  • Updates + Discussion
    1. Bike Rodeo – Ferguson
    2. Should Bicycle Ambassadors be required to be CB members?
    3. Chris suggests we have literature of CB achievements, such as recent rule to allow after dusk bike travel through parks. Also have tabling more organized. Note Ambassador and volunteer’s interests if for events, tabling, or digging into goverment policy. Jeff quoted ad that says “Biking Delivers What Auto Advertising Promises” Both Jeff & Chris would like more traction on CB ideas for many efforts including maximizing government work to get safer streets, etc. What does it mean to be a Centre Bike member? Benefits?  Needs to be answered. Chris asked for a full Exec mtg to hash it all out. Paul offered his home when he returns from trip. Paul will connect with michele to get Thank You cards written and sent to Centre Gives donors
  • Adjournment at 18:25


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