To help you get from A to B by bicycle, CentreBike is working to update the bike routes on Google Maps to increase the connectivity and usefulness of Google’s Bicycling Directions option. Scroll down to submit a request for a custom bike route map, report a problem with or suggest an update to Google Bicycling Directions.
Existing Routes
While these routes are mapped by experienced bicyclists to provide our members with routing assistance, particularly using routes that aren’t well-known, use them at your own risk. Some of these routes contain bike lanes or other facilities designed specifically for bicyclists, but others include or are exclusively on local streets and highways. CentreBike does not warrant the safety of bicyclists as they access these roads and rail-trails. Every bicyclist is responsible for his or her personal safety and welfare and for remaining alert and mindful of conditions on the roads or trails.
- Adams Ave/N. Allen TO Wegmans
- Vairo Blvd/N Ath. TO Rock Hill School (with Coffee stops)
- W Aaron Dr/Martin St to Lowes
- W Cherry Ln/N Ath TO Centre Region COG
- Adams Ave & N. Allen to Wegmans
- South Hills to Home Depot
- Nimitz & Garner Aves to Innovation Park
- Struble Rd to Science Park (Videon Central)
- Core Campus to Innovation Park
- State College to the Nittany Mall — 3 different routes
- Downtown Lemont to Restek Corp — 3 different routes
- Curtin Rd & Bigler Rd to Centre County Courthouse On Roads
- Curtin Rd & Bigler Rd to Centre County Courthouse On Roads and Trails (Mountain or other wide-tire bike recommended)
- College & Allen to Mt. Nittany Medical Center, safer but longer route.
- Linn Street State College to Nittany Mall, Minimize climbing, safer but longer route.
- Melissa Lane & Devonshire Drive, Park Forest to the Bellefonte Courthouse, Novice cyclist. Bike paths, sidewalks, bike lanes, and low traffic roads are OK. Occasional crossings across high-traffic roads.
Minimize in-traffic riding, if possible., Safest route, even if it’s longer., Hard packed gravel OK (e.g., rail trail) - Waupelani Dri & O’Bryan Land, to the Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, Novice cyclist. Bike paths, sidewalks, bike lanes, and low traffic roads are OK. Occasional crossings across high-traffic roads. Please minimize hill climbing, even if it means a longer route., Minimize in-traffic riding, if possible., Safest route, even if it’s longer., Hard surfaces only. Minimize in-traffic riding, if possible., Safest route, even if it’s longer.
Check the layer visibility boxes on the left to hide or show the different routes on these maps.
Submit a Request for a Route
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