CentreBike Membership Meeting June 13th, 2022 at 5:30pm-7:00pm
• Welcome – Attending: Matt Cox, Paul Rito, Cecily Zhu, Ezra Nanes, Jasmine Fields, Corey Thibault-Cuhe, Anne Messner, Michele Chernega • Treasurer’s Report: Balance $15,679.02https://psu.zoom.us/j/99435517568
• Stakeholder Reports • State College Borough: Jasmine reports all May Bike Month events went well. Bicycle Ambassador program launched, recruiting until July 17 and they have five applications. Borough in process for mobility plan. Got funds from PennDOT for additional shared use path. • Municipalities/Government: Mayor Nanes appreciated Mayor’s Ride efforts by all. Spoke about recent fatal bike accident and he hopes to get the Capital Improvement Plan to help with that intersection and other bike/pedestrian safety issues. Jasmine said Borough may need to see how rigorous State High Driver’s Ed program is doing with training drivers. Their Community Engagement Office used to help with it. • Penn State/Bike Den: Corey reported that 134 bikes were removed on campus. No longer PSU Surplus auction since there are so many less bikes being collected; they are just on sale there now. Bike Den doing well attended events. Penn State’s Bike Master Plan in the works, Cecily will share as info becomes available. • Centre Region Bicycle Advisory Committee • Centre Region Council of Government: Anne Messner is filling in for Trish Meek until replacement found. She reports that COG as an NPO is looking into ways to utilize safety funding. Possible federal funding for it, for example, rumble strips. • PennDOT • Highway Safety Network • New Business • Thompson Woods Bridge: Matt shared photos of closed bridge. He is in touch with Don Franson, township engineer and will update us on what they plan to do. • Bike Month results: Matt reported on participants on several bike events • Old Business • Open Floor • Adjournment Next Meeting: July 11th, 2022 at 5:30pm-7:00pm Virtually via Zoom :