
Centre Gives is ON!

TODAY is the day bikers can show the love! Donate to CentreBike via CentreGives – $25 starts/renews an individual yearly membership; $35 or more starts/renews a family membership.
What will we do with your donation? We’ll continue working with Centre County municipalities, COG, Centre Parks and Rec, the Centre Region Bicycle Advisory Committee, Penn State, and PennDOT to:
🚴 ADVANCE Happy Valley Ride with GPS to bring you more road, gravel and mountain bike routes.
🚴 ADVOCATE for the improvement our area’s infrastructure with new/restored paths, bike lanes added to new road construction, bike racks and more.
🚴 EDUCATE cyclists and motorists for safe sharing of the road.
🚴 PROMOTE cycling as a healthy and environmentally friendly activity.
🚴 HOLD EVENTS like Cranksgiving, Family Fun Rides, Bike Clinics, and Commuter Coffees, etc.
…and so much more!
Thanks in advance!

April 11th Membership Meeting

April 2024 Centre Bike General Membership Meeting
  • Welcome Attending: Matt Cox, Paul Rito, Jeff Luck, Anne Messner, michele chernega
  • Treasurer’s Report:  Balance $14,356.34
  • Stakeholder Reports COG’s Anne Messner said there may be a May 8 bike ride w/ Ben Den. Active Transport Plan still live. May 2 Paul & Anne going to Comissioner’s meeting. And there will be a press conference on safety at Tallyrand Park in May
  • Public Comment
  • New Business


Active Transportation Plan – Public Engagement

You can help the Centre County Metropolitan Planning
Organization with its first Active Transportation Plan by providing feedback through a survey and web mapping application on the project website. The survey includes questions about active transportation modes (walking, bicycling, wheeling, etc.). The web mapping application allows respondents to express their safety and connection concerns when it comes to walking, bicycling, and wheeling by placing a point on the map and providing comments. The survey and map will be open March 19 – May 3, 2024 at

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