On Motorist Conflict

Recently, some of our CentreBike members identified an unfortunate situation: a motorist who had been harassing cyclists on certain roads in our community.  We sprung into action: with the help of several cyclists, the incidents were documented and the motorist identified.

That information allowed the State College Police to take quick action to resolve the issue. Thank you to those involved – both cyclists and our partners on the police force!

However, this incident brings up a good question:

What should you do if you are harassed while cycling?

Harassment may include negative comments, physical proximity (cars passing “too close”), taunting, or any other behavior that verbally or physically threatens a cyclist while riding.

  • Always make your personal safety a priority. If you feel you are in physical danger, leave the road, and call 911.
  • Document the incident. Write down the date, location, any details on the harasser (physical appearance, car make/model, etc.) and exactly what happened. Best information to have, if you are able to capture it:
    • License plate number
    • Photo
  • Share your documentation with the police. Filing a police report is the best way to elevate the issue.
  • Let CentreBike know. We believe these incidents are very rare, but in the event they happen, we want to take quick action. Send us an email.


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