Author Archive: Joan Potter

MINUTES of CentreBike General Membership Meeting

July 18, 2016

Meeting held at the State College Borough Building


  • Anna Nelson, President
  • Kelly Doyle, Treasurer
  • Joan Potter, Secretary
  • Jean Bemis
  • Courtney Hayden
  • James Read
  • Roy Greenfield
  • Sarah Pollock
  • Mark Davison
  • Jim Serene
  • Nate Geiger
  • Brian Dempsey

The meeting was called to order by Anna Nelson at 5:35 pm.

Nominations for Executive Committee Members

Names were accepted for nominees to fill two positions vacated by Sue Barsom and Kelly Doyle. A motion was made and seconded for the following slate of nominees to be voted on at the next meeting:

  • Courtney Hayden
  • James Read

Bike Racks

As referenced last month, the lack of bike parking is an issue at various locations around town, particularly during Arts Fest. CentreBike has the opportunity to purchase a few of Penn State’s old racks as they are replaced with new ones. The plan is to apply tags “Donated by” to the racks and donate them to businesses to help them become more bike-friendly. Initial suggestions include West Side Stadium Grill, Toftrees, Gigi’s, Centre Foundation and Millbrook Marsh. Several racks will be available soon, and it was moved and seconded to allocate $10-$25 to purchase each rack.

It was further discussed to identify bike-friendly businesses on the next update to the Visitor’s Bureau map.

Lion Bash

The 2016 Lion Bash community event will be Tuesday, August 30th from 6:00-8:30p. CentreBike was invited to participate with an information table located near the new bike repair station across from the Borough Building. Ideas were discussed to host an “engagement station” with a giveaway, such as bike lights. Sarah Pollock offered to create a map with photos identifying good bike rides from campus that could be displayed at the event. Plans will be finalized at the August meeting.

Bicycle Touring Class

Brian and Paul gave an update on the class they offered on bike touring skills. It was well received by the 11 people who attended, and the class fulfilled an education requirement for the Bike-Friendly Community application. There is interest in more cycling skills classes, such as Cycling 101, Learn to Ride, Commuting Skills, and Biking in the Centre Region. It was noted that two cycling classes will be offered in the fall Centre Region Parks & Rec Active Guide.

Fall PSU Info Table

Discussed hosting a bike info and registration table at the Allen Street Gates. Possible dates are Friday, Aug 26th, Sep 2nd, or Sep 9th. Brian volunteered to coordinate.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary

MINUTES of CentreBike General Membership Meeting

June 13, 2016

Meeting held at the State College Borough Building


  • Anna Nelson, President
  • Kelly Doyle, Treasurer
  • Joan Potter, Secretary
  • Jean Bemis
  • Cecily Zhu
  • Andrew Artz
  • Lydia Ferber
  • Courtney Hayden
  • Valerie Burnett

The meeting was called to order by Anna Nelson at 5:35 pm.

Financial Update

The PayPal account balance of $147.23 for membership payments will be transferred to the checking account this week, and receipt of the $1,382 CentreGives donations is expected shortly. Currently, our PNC Bank balance is $4,114.97.

Bicycle Skills Class

Brian Dempsey and Paul Rito have designed a Bicycle Touring Class for a private group who is preparing for a bike tour this summer. If it goes well, they hope to offer it to the public in the future. Attendees will get advice on how to plan and pack for a bike tour, as well as learn essential skills for long-distance riding.

Courtney Hayden suggested they consider offering a Bicycle Commuting Class for anyone interested in becoming a bike commuter but aren’t sure how to fit a bike for hauling their work stuff, planning the best route between home and work, and need essential road-riding skills.

Videon Central will be hosting a Street Skills for Cyclists class later this summer for employees, and if there’s room available in the class it will be open to the public. There are two parts to this comprehensive program, which include a weeknight of classroom work and a weekend morning for on-bike skills training.

A great suggestion was to offer a discount to CentreBike members for participating in any skills class.

Circleville Path

A ribbon-cutting event is planned for June 30th from 11:30-1:30 for the new shared use path on Circleville Road. Organized by COG, there will be government officials attending and the public is welcome. CentreBike was asked to be present with a table of information. Jean Bemis, Andrew Artz and Lydia Ferber volunteered to represent CentreBike.

Arts Festival Bike Parking

The lack of bike parking has been an on-going issue during Arts Fest. Discussed possible ways CentreBike could provide bike racks at various locations. Cecily Zhu said it may be possible to partner with Penn State to borrow some of their racks, or even purchase their old racks that are being replaced. Suggestions included somehow tagging the racks to identify them as provided by CentreBike, and if we’re able to purchase some we could uniquely paint them so they stand out as being CentreBike racks. The issue of storing purchased racks was also discussed, and an idea was to let local businesses use them whenever they aren’t needed for the Festival or other events. Cecily will look into the feasibility of PSU racks and report back.

Awareness Campaign

Anna outlined the proposed plan and Courtney mentioned the Borough already has a campaign prepared that has never been implemented. Perhaps CentreBike can partner with the Borough to make it happen. Melissa Bopp has applied for a grant that may be a possible source of funding, too. The discussion was tabled until Courtney could look into the Borough plan status.

Board Member openings

Kelly Doyle announced she will be leaving in August, and Sue Barsom has already moved out of the area, leaving two Board seats open. Courtney Hayden has expressed interest in a position. Other nominations will be accepted at the next meeting on July 11th and voting will take place at the August 8th meeting.

Bike Friendly Business Celebration

There is a tentative plan for CentreBike to host a happy hour event in September/October (possibly at Videon Central) for current BFBs to meet with other businesses interested in becoming a BFB. This event will provide a meet-and-greet opportunity to provide information and ideas on how more businesses in the Centre Region can become a League-recognized BFB. Joan Potter will coordinate this event.

Other Announcements

Courtney Hayden asked if anyone was interested in participating in an interview on June 20th with CentralPA Live on the topic of State College as a cycling destination. Recommendations were to invite a NMBA rep (mountain biker), SCCycling (road rider), and a bike commuter from the community.

Andrew Arts announced that he is planning another cycling event next summer and asked if CentreBike would be willing to help organize volunteers again, as was done for last summer’s event.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 6:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary

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