January 8th, 2010
January 8th, 2010
1. Opening of meeting
2. Election of CRBC officers and executive committee members occurred as follows:
a. Mr. Dempsey was nominated and then unanimously elected for the position of President
b. Mr. Rito was nominated and then unanimously elected as Vice President
c. Mr. Shamalla was nominated and then unanimously approved as Secretary
d. Mrs. Bullard was nominated and then unanimously approved as Treasurer
e. Discussion of executive committee members
3. Focus areas for the 2010 year
a. Bicycle Friendly Communities
b. More direct involvement in bicycle decision making
c. Local bike advocacy
d. More educational outreach, involvement with schools, enforcement, and elected officials
4. Bike to work week
a. The one week event worked well, and we will do this again.
b. Travis will do web stuff
c. Bike mentoring – Kate M.C. was in charge of that last year and will do it again this year
d. 4 townships and a borough ride was successful, and included meetings with counsels. Paul Rito volunteered to do this for this year’s bike to work week
e. Bike Rodeo was a successful, Bill is the face of the Borough Police bike initiative. Ok turnout. Center Soccer, and Scouts are involved.
f. Tom F. and Lidia V. were active, and had a table last year. PSU organized the table, maps, master plan, etc.
g. Bike to worship, Jeff B. was at the meeting and supported this idea in 2009.
h. Jim PSU orthopedics has a bike to work day
i. Bob Swinn was at bike to work week
j. Justin had cool bikes at bike rodeo
k. Get BTWW started Friday of the last day of classes.
l. Using the 100 block of Allen St would be great but store owners might present a problem. Jordan would be the person that would get signatures for this effort if it was deemed necessary. 200 block of Allen is a shoe-in.
5. Bike in movies will be back for the 2010 season, headed by Kevin Gombotz
a. The State Theater would be a good option for a bike movie.
6. Group intros
7. A brief symposium on winter cycling.
8. Bicycle Friendly Community was an issue addressed in past years, and will be an issue that CBRC will addressing in 2010.
9. Meeting was concluded