Meeting Minutes

May 7th, 2010

May, 7th, 2010 Meeting Minutes

Pre Meeting

Reviewed PennDOT maps for Whitehall improvements

Bike to work week review

·         Friday- PSU office of Sustainability did a fantastic job staffing the table at the main gates, all day.

·         Bike Fair on Allen Street was tough, comments included:

o   “More people next time would be good”

o   “need to rethink Saturday’s activities on Allen”

o   “No critical mass, it seemed kinda empty”

o   “How about a bike swap?”

o   “change name to Bicycle Celebration Week”

o   “Bike racks from around the world”

o   “YMCA, Schools, and CRPR need to be involved”

o   “Odd time. Maybe we could do it after the Students left, instead of trying to fit them in?”

·         Comments for making next year better included

o   Make a postcard flyer that you mail to peoples’ place of employment.  Read -> “bike to work week”

o   Team up with other organizations like YMCA, CRPR, and the Schools

o   Start Earlier

Discussion shifted to Safe Routes to School

·         Mark Woodward examined roundabout installation on the Parkway near Easterly Parkway Elementary

·         The group discussed names of folks that would be good to include in the Safe Routes to School planning.

Things to do in the future

·         Make a Facebook Page for CRBC

·         Make committee’s for people who want to collaborate on specific Cycle/Pedestrian issues, ideas, events, and initiatives

o   It was determined that it would be up to individuals to meet on their own, and then report back to CRBC members at the next meeting


March 1st, 2010

Meeting Agenda

1.       Elect Executive Committee

2.       Discuss Comprehensive Plan Meetings

3.       Bike to Work Week

Discussion Points

1.       Executive committee slate was forwarded, nominated, seconded, and unanimously approved by those attending the meeting

a.       Chuck Anderson

b.      Sue Barsom

c.       Kevin Gombotz

d.      Roy Greenfield

e.      Jim Serene

2.       Mr. Simpson indicated that he would like to continue to act as web-master for the CBRC website

3.       CR-COG Comprehensive Plan Meetings are going on at all of the CR municipalities

a.       Mr. Dempsey urged CRBC members to attend the comp. plan meetings at CRBC members respective municipalities to advocate for bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

4.       Bike to work week

a.       Date determined for Bike To Work Week were Saturday May, 1 to Saturday May 8th 2010

b.      Activities that would be interesting to include in the event that came up in discussion (with the individual that has taken responsibility to organize)

                                                               i.      Woodward Camp, and the acrobatic, or trials riders (Sue B.)

                                                             ii.      Four Townships and a Borough Ride (Park R.

                                                            iii.      Uni-Cycle Club at PSU (Sue)

                                                           iv.      Bike Shops (Sue)

                                                             v.      Yoga (Kate)

                                                           vi.      PSU Orthopedics ( Jim and Brucie)

                                                          vii.      Info Tent for Friday  (Brian)

                                                        viii.      Bike-in Movie (Keveau)

                                                           ix.      Street Skills (Chuck A.)

                                                             x.      Koolakowski Ride (Paul S.)

                                                           xi.      State Theater Movie about bikes, possibility PeeWee’s Big Adventure (Sue B.)

                                                          xii.      Care Coalition, and bike to Worship, or Church Tour (Jess)

                                                        xiii.      Winery Ride (?)

                                                         xv.      Both Boy and Girl Scouts may be involved, but extent or specific involvement was not determined.

c.       High School students were indicated as a group that would benefit from participating in BTWW, but involvement specific involvement was indeterminate

e.      Publicity

                                                               i.      Brucie indicated that she would be writing an article for local publications like Voices

1.       Brucie also indicated that she would be accepting writing from other individuals to include in the publicity materials.

                                                             ii.      Press Release ?

                                                            iii.      T-Shirts?

f.        Fridays  May 7th, 2010 Table

                                                               i.      The information table, with maps and other material was manned by PSU employees last year on Friday.

                                                             ii.      Location would be at the PSU main gates

g.       Liability, was brought up, and the group unanimously voted to approve becoming a member organization of the League of American Bicyclists member organization. The vote also included the use of up to $200 of CBRC monies to be authorized for this action.

5.       Snow Removal on Bike Paths

a.       Mr. Shamalla would craft a letter that would be endorsed by CBRC to municipalities and the University thanking them for their winter maintenance regime, and delicately highlighted continued problem areas

                                                               i.      Areas that have been successfully used by CBRC members this winter include

1.       Ferguson Twp: Circleville & Tudek Bike Paths, College Township Bikeway, East Branch to Puddintown Road, University Drive

2.       Not Plowed places: Hills Plaza Bikeway/sidewalk, Blue Course Drive, Orchard Park, Innovation Park Bikepath, Small pedestrian connections in the downtown area and throughout the region that need special attention

February 8th, 2010

February, 8th, 2010

In Attendance

·         Brian Dempsey, CRBC President

·         Frank McGuire, IMBA Representative, CRBC Executive Committee member

·         Chuck Anderson, CRBC Executive Committee member

·         Elizabeth Goream, Mayor of State College

·         Kent Baker, College Twp Engineer

·         Bob ?, Patton  Twp Supervisor

·         Jeff Luck

·         Thomas Flynn, PSU Planning

·         Ronald Woodhead, CRPR Director

·         Jackie Shader, CATA Marketing Director

·         Trisha Meek, CRCOG Transportation Planner


1.       Introduction and words of welcome from CRBC President, Mr. Dempsey, briefly introducing the Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) application process, and what this would require from participants. Mr. Dempsey then invited each guest to give a brief description of bicycle initiatives taking place in their respective jurisdiction.  Conversation was centered on bicycle facilities, bicycle planning and creating bicycle facilities momentum

a.       Mayor Goream

                                                               i.      Bicycling in the Borough is something we all support, 2011 goal in climate?

                                                             ii.      Where are the bike lands and how should we proceed.  Bicycle supporters didn’t show up to support bike lanes; as a result the lanes were shot down.

                                                            iii.      Communities as a whole desires…

                                                           iv.      Active political……Bicycle and pedestrian can really flourish

                                                             v.      Bike lanes are a good idea

                                                           vi.      Joint Effort

b.      Steve ?, Ferguson Township Supervisor

                                                               i.      George Bitel -> comes to every meeting and is a strong supporter and shows up to every meeting. That means a lot.

                                                             ii.      Bike path now in development

                                                            iii.      Fox Point Rd and Pine Hall new paths

                                                           iv.      Works 2011 Whitehall Rd and 45 will be widened 4’ shoulders

                                                             v.      Clearwater and the Musser Gap Greenway is moving forward

                                                           vi.      The Imbt property is getting ready for development w/ bike path

                                                          vii.      Long range -> College Ave

c.       Jeff Luck, Patton Township Supervisor

                                                               i.      Comprehensive bike path and Trail Plan

1.       Looking regionally to see how these facilities all fit together to make a comprehensive bike system

                                                             ii.      For the government to invest, the more people that will use it.

Kent Baker, College Township Engineer

                                                            iii.      4 on LRTP ->MPO

1.       Widening of Park Ave with bike lane

2.       Millbrook marsh bike way, that will connect Lemont to State College

a.       Elmwood

b.      New Country Inn Hotel will be going in at Woodcrafters site that will include road widening

                                                           iv.      Winter maintenance is being done on Puddintown Rd, and at this stage is only temporary as supervisors assess risks and rewards

d.      Bob from Harris

                                                               i.      Boalsburg and Harris are excited about adding bike facilities

                                                             ii.      Amy Charcas

1.       Bike path along 45 from Potter to Boalsburg

2.       Bike path from Boal Ave to Rothrock

a.       Along Werner Rd to….is already on official map

e.      Tom Flynn, Campus planning and Design

                                                               i.      Bike Master Plan – is a tool that was developed to ensure that as development occurs that bicycle facilities are considered and include:

1.       17 route improvements

2.       Bike Parking

3.       Park Avenue

4.       Millbrook Marsh Connection

5.       Shortlidge and Burrows

                                                             ii.      The first covered bike shelter is being placed at the BJC/Stadium commuter lots in the near future

f.        Ron Woodhead, CRPR Director

                                                               i.      Maintains 51 destinations or nodes that often anchor bike paths

                                                             ii.      Bike trails are an important part of CRPR’s connectivity and often comprise the journey to the node

                                                            iii.      Regional Park, Oak Hall, will also incorporate bike paths and bike connectivity


g.       Jackie Shader CATA Marketing Manager

                                                               i.      CATA is in the process of acquiring some hybrid public transportation

                                                             ii.      CATA has worked with CRBC before and would like to continue this collaboration.

                                                            iii.      CATA was the first public transportation provider to place bike racks on busses.

h.      Joe From Patton

i.         Trish Meek

                                                               i.      CCMPO gets federal money but is never easy to use, there are a lot of strings attached to stipulations of this money, and it this process is very time consuming.

                                                             ii.      CCMPO is working on their 2040 long range plan

                                                            iii.      TE monies have been used in the past to do projects like the BCRT

1.       CCMPO has traditionally spent $320,000 a year on TE projects

                                                           iv.      DCNR is also a source of funding for other grant money

2.       Frank McGuire and Chuck Anderson spoke about the BFC certification and application process

a.       5 core areas that BFC focuses on: Engineering, Education, Engagement, Enforcement and Evaluation

b.      Chuck is a League of American Bicyclist instructor and highlighted the opportunities for municipalities to improve education and enforcement of bicycling in the region

c.       The BFC checklist

d.      Regional plans already exist, or are being developed

3.       Other comment s:

a.       Unnamed PSU police officer mentioned that bicycle theft is the second leading criminal activity next to drinking.

4.       Meeting was concluded

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