May, 7th, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Pre Meeting
Reviewed PennDOT maps for Whitehall improvements
Bike to work week review
· Friday- PSU office of Sustainability did a fantastic job staffing the table at the main gates, all day.
· Bike Fair on Allen Street was tough, comments included:
o “More people next time would be good”
o “need to rethink Saturday’s activities on Allen”
o “No critical mass, it seemed kinda empty”
o “How about a bike swap?”
o “change name to Bicycle Celebration Week”
o “Bike racks from around the world”
o “YMCA, Schools, and CRPR need to be involved”
o “Odd time. Maybe we could do it after the Students left, instead of trying to fit them in?”
· Comments for making next year better included
o Make a postcard flyer that you mail to peoples’ place of employment. Read -> “bike to work week”
o Team up with other organizations like YMCA, CRPR, and the Schools
o Start Earlier
Discussion shifted to Safe Routes to School
· Mark Woodward examined roundabout installation on the Parkway near Easterly Parkway Elementary
· The group discussed names of folks that would be good to include in the Safe Routes to School planning.
Things to do in the future
· Make a Facebook Page for CRBC
· Make committee’s for people who want to collaborate on specific Cycle/Pedestrian issues, ideas, events, and initiatives
o It was determined that it would be up to individuals to meet on their own, and then report back to CRBC members at the next meeting