
Winter/Spring Cycling Classes

Centre Region Parks and Recreation, along with CentreBike and Freeze-Thaw Cycles, will be offering these cycling classes in Winter and Spring 2017:

Bike Maintenance (two separate sessions), Saturday, January 14, 5:30-7:30pm or Saturday, February 11, 5:30-7:30pm If you are new to cycling or just want to learn more about caring for your bike, then this class is for you! Learn how to fix flats, clean and lube a chain, go over maintenance tips and answer mechanical questions. These skills will save you time, money and give you a much better understanding, and appreciation, of your bike. If time permits we will cover additional topics. Light refreshments will be provided by Freeze Thaw. Please note: The deadline to register is January 9. No need to bring your bike to this educational class.

January Class Registration:
February Class Registration:

Basics of Bike Touring March 16, 6-8pm Have you ever wanted to tour by bike, but don’t know where to start? If so, this class is for you! We will review the laws and touring etiquette; suggest what to take and how to pack it; and teach you how to make the basic repairs while on the road. Also, if you want to ship your bike and ride one way, we have information on which shipping method is most effective. This is a classroom workshop; attendees do not need to bring a bike. Please note: The deadline to register is March 10.

Street Skills for Cyclists, Saturday April 29 9am-4pm This League of American Cyclists Certified class is designed for participants of all abilities who want to increase their comfort and confidence when cycling on city streets. We start in the classroom, where we learn the rules of the road including where to ride, basic traffic principles, how to safely change lanes, how to avoid common road hazards, and more. Then we move outside to work with a certified instructor in a short open-road session on skill drills in a traffic-free environment to employ the strategies we just learned. Bring your own working bike and helmet (required). Bikes should have air in the tires, functioning brakes, etc. Please note: The deadline to register is April 24.

Biking in the Centre Region, May 11 6-7:45pm Do you want to start biking or feel more confident navigating local routes? Join us and learn more about the Centre Region’s bike paths/routes, PA & local laws, how to pick a bike, and other biking-around-town tips. Get answers to your bike-related questions from regional planning staff and CentreBike members. Attendees will receive a copy of the PA Bicycle Driver’s Manual and an awesome bike pin. Please note: this is a classroom workshop so attendees do not need to bring a bike. Please note: The deadline to register is May 5.

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