CentreBike Minutes March 11, 2019 State College Municipal Building in Room 241
Attending: Tristan Avelis, Jean Bemis, Michele Chernega, Matt Cox, Jasmine Fields, Ken Hull, Claire Lorts, Paul Rito, Roy Rupert, Cecile Zhu
Treasurers Report: Balance: $10,146.20
Ken Hull reported on his communications & polling about the bike path next to S. Atherton to Boalsburg. Jasmine asked who maintains bike path
Stakeholder Reports:
Cecile reported that PSU Alternative Transportation office officially launched Bike Index bike registration. There will be a new sticker for new bikes
You can choose how you want people to contact you if you’re registered which can speed up the process if your bike is lost and found
Bike Touring 101 workshop this 3/13/19 in 321 HUB. Biking.psu.edu website to register. Mtg about e-scooters will not be allowed on campus
Cecily says they discussed bike facilities map
BFB and BFCommunity app due
Trish Meek emailed CB with a question from Marilyn Morford about e-scooters. Trish told her that someone from Centre Bike would “respond to her question” (Her email is below)
-Northland Area Mobility Study
-Trish asks if there will be a “bike table event the last Friday in April at the Allen St Gates before the semester ends. It is usually well staffed and visited and a good way to lead into Bike Month” She would also like to attend next Exec Com mtg to present ideas that will help with BFBiz
Borough can supply coffee, Bike Month
Tristan will get email thread started to find time to discuss Bike to Work Week/Bike Month, etc
Ride of Silence 12 miles for casual rider in case they want to honor someone but aren’t big rider. Will distribute 100 posters and 500 flyers (same time as Dirt Fest??) Matt Same time as Bellefonte “Open Streets” 11-3:00 Trish asked if CB wanted a table there. Intern offered to do the Bellefonte event
Roy reports that he changed route up a little bit to not go through PSU. Registration for it opens March 12, 2019
BusinessFriendly party at Videon being discussed
Jean Bemis went on March 6 to Centre Gives. Jim is attending the rest.
PA Bike Summit in Carlisle: Jim, Mark going on Saturday, March 16, 2019
Matt mentioned $250 sponsorship to NMBA re: logo
Centre Gives is May 7 & 8, 2019 Team effort to update CB website for this
Matt talked about Adopt a Highway for Centre Bike (i.e. Orchard or Puddingtown 1-2x a year). Paul said he thinks has to be Penn DOT route to get signage. #trashtag is something Tristan talked about
6:35 pm