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Fix that Flat! (and Beyond)

Thursday September 27th Fix that Flat (and Beyond) 6-9pm in rm 117 EES Bldg. WEL 512

We will discuss routine preventive maintenance for your bike, including maintenance of cables and shifting mechanisms, adjustment of brakes, and proper lubrication techniques. You will also learn how to handle emergency roadside repairs, such as flat tires, broken cables, jammed chains, and bent wheels. This is the perfect class for people who ride bikes but always take it to the shop for even minor maintenance, and who think of their cell phone as their emergency repair kit.

Register at:PSU Health Matters (if you’re not a PSUE student/faculty/staff, you’ll need to use/create a “Friend of Penn State” account to register, or you can call 863-4606).

Street Skills Class Oct 7

Trainee performing an Insta-Turn

Do you choose a car over your bike because you fear dealing with traffic? Street Skills for Cyclists is designed to teach adult cyclists how to drive a bicycle with confidence and competence for pleasure, utility, or sport. The class is offered as a self-paced, approx. 4 hour online tutorial, followed up with on-bike skills training and a group ride.
Online, and Earth & Mineral Sciences East, Rm 117, University Park Campus
When:  Sunday October 7, 2012
Time:  12 pm to 5 pm. 
Instructor: Chuck Anderson, Certified League Cycling Instructor (LCI)  
Register at:   PSU Health Matters (if you’re not a PSUE student/faculty/staff, you’ll need to use/create a “Friend of Penn State” account to register, or you can call 863-4606).
What you’ll need: A bicycle and helmet. 

Read more: Street Skills Information Flyer

State College – Centre Region wins Bronze BFC


State College – Centre Region is named a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists

Washington, D.C. – May 15, 2012 – May is National Bike Month with hundreds of events and thousands of riders celebrating bicycling nationwide. And a growing number of U.S. communities are taking steps to encourage residents to ride all year round —including the Centre Region. The League of American Bicyclists has announced the latest round of Bicycle Friendly Communities (BFC) and the State College–Centre Region area was named a Bronze Level BFC. The Centre Region COG applied for the designation on behalf of six municipalities (the Townships of College, Halfmoon, Harris, Ferguson and Patton, and the Borough of State College).


The Centre Region Council of Governments is holding a brief ceremony to announce the Bronze level award as follows:

Date: Thursday, May 17, 2012
Time: 3:30 pm
Place: Centre Region Council of Governments Building
2643 Gateway Drive
State College, PA

If you’re a cyclist in the State College area please join us on your bike for the ceremony!


Full text of the BFC Press Release.

Our bike month activities!

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