Meeting Minutes March 2012
March 19, 2012
A regular meeting of CRBC was held at the State College Borough building on Monday, March 19, 2012.
Paul Rito, President
Chuck Anderson, Vice President
Joan Potter, Secretary
Brian Dempsey, Executive Committee Member
Sue Barsom, Executive Committee Member
Cliff Kanz
Jean Bemis
Beverly Crow
Eric Sauder – New Leaf Initiative
The meeting was called to order by Paul Rito at 7:30 pm.
Discussion of Greenway Plan and rail trails, including Linden Hall to Lewisburg and Bellefonte Central. Paul will inquire with the County about status of Bellefonte Central Rail Trail, connecting Bellefonte and State College. Rail Trail Association has information on benefits of rail trails, including property owners experiencing 11-15% increase in land value. Pine Creek Trail has become destination points for tourists, and Lower Trail is very popular. League of American Bicyclist magazine has article on Indiana trail with interesting information. Cliff Kanz suggested contacting Crick Fest people for interest in supporting Rail Trail. He mentioned there may be Amish support for trails – they attended a Bellefonte meeting years ago.
CRBC asked to comment on proposed Oak Hall Park – negative comment is that it has no biking or walking paths to the park, the only access is by car. Extra traffic on Linden Hall Rd will have a negative effect on cyclists who regularly use that roadway.
Sue Barsom gave update on Kallari bike project – one more bike drop-off day on Sunday, March 25th at the Penn State Center for Sustainability MorningStar site. The site will be open from 11:00-4:00. A tentative bike fix-up date set for March 31st. The Bike Shop, Freeze Thaw and PSU Cycling Club will be contacted for volunteer mechanics to check out bikes and do minor repairs (flat tires, brake pads, seat adjustments, etc.)
Discussion of possible Memorial Ghost Bike Ride on the last Friday in April in honor of Bohdan Kulakowski. Brian Dempsey will contact PSU to see if they will support/organize the ride.
Reviewed Centre Community Foundation’s one-day event on June 27th when they will match funds made to any local charity up to total of $100k. CVIM just sent out flyer describing it. Recommended that CRBC prepare a notice to send to list serve to take advantage of this matching fund event.
Earth Day Activities (Blue-White Weekend) on Friday, April 20th: CRBC table in the HUB from 11:00-3:00 and at Allen Street Gate from 8:00-2:00. Chuck & Paul will be speaking from 12:00-1:00 at the HUB.
May Bike Month Activities:
- Paul will design CRBC T-Shirts with gas pump design on back
- Winery Ride
- Linden Loop Ride – May 6th to benefit Rock Hill School
- Half metric ride (30 mi), 5 mile family ride, and a run
- School District program
- Saturday, May 19th group ride on Bike Paths with celebration rally at school with prizes, BMX demo (by Jamie Bestwick?) CRBC will need estimate on how many participants in order to get insurance coverage at $0.60 per rider.
- Beverly asked for letter from Paul for sponsors
- CRBC will sponsor printing of May Bike Month “wheel posters” to distribute to all elementary kids. Jean motioned to approve printing expense at $0.02/ea – approx. total $80; Chuck seconded, all in favor.
- Street Skills for Cyclists – Chuck & Paul will teach on April 5th, 12th & 16th
- Notice being prepared by Paul to ask coffee shops to offer specials for cyclists on Bike to Work Day; Beverly offered to distribute to shops.
- Joan will check with Centre Region Parks & Rec on schedule for Bike-In Movie Nights [found that no movie nights scheduled until June]
- May 5th-6th – Bike To Worship Days. Barb is contact person with Creation Care Coalition who is organizing events, including scavenger hunt.
- Brian will compose proclamation for Bike To Work Day from Borough, Townships, and PSU and will notify us of contacts, and ask for people to attend the various meetings.
Penn State has announced they will apply for the Bike Friendly University status.
This meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.