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“Bicycle Dreams” Thanks

Thanks to the sponsors who helped bring “Bicycle Dreams” to the State Theatre: 

  • RBR Recumbent Cycles
  • Matson & Associates
  • Freeze Thaw Cycles
  • Videon Central 
  •  Nittany Mountain Biking Association
  • The Bicycle Shop

And to everyone at the State Theatre, for a well-run, smooth, supportive operation. 

And to CRBC board member Dr. Jim Serene, for organizing the presentation of the movie, promoting it, and generally running a one-man show to get the movie on the screen at the State

What was “Bicycle Dreams”? — check out our story here:

Meeting Minutes 1/9/2012

CRBC Meeting 1/9/2012
Present: Paul Rito, President
Chuck Anderson, Vice President 
Lynda Bullard, Treasurer
Mike Shamalla, Secretary
Roy Greenfield, Executive Committee Member 
Cliff Kanz
Terri Rudy, Nittany Mountain Biking Association (NMBA)
Dave Pontzer, NMBA
Jim Serene, Executive Committee Member
Brian Dempsey, Executive Committee Member
Joan Potter
Jean Bemis 
Sue Barsom, Executive Committee Member
Blanca Villa
Joyce Eveleth
Cliff Kanz

Sue Barsom gave a quick review of the Kallari Bikes Project, introducing Blanca Villa, a member of Students Consulting for Non-Profit Organizations (SCNO). SCNO is helping CRBC with logistics of collecting and shipping the bikes to the Kallari Coop in Ecuador. SCNO is also spearheading a move to get area property management groups to collect abandoned bikes from their bike racks to give to the effort. 

Joyce Eveleth, AmeriCorps volunteer for State College Borough, gave an overview of the borough’s Bicycle Ambassador program. In addition to education and promotion of bicycle use, planning is progressing for the program to have the area’s first diversion program. Any cyclist cited for a violation of traffic laws can have the ticket expunged by participating in a bicycling education class. CRBC hopes to assist in presenting the classes. 

Jim Serene reviewed progress and issues relating to the January 26 presentation of “Bicycle Dreams” at the State Theatre. The CRBC is presenting this movie in cooperation with the producers to benefit our education programs. We have six co-sponsors: RBR Recumbent Bicycles, Matson & Associates, Freeze Thaw Cycles, Videon Central, and the Nittany Mountain Biking Association. Commercial sponsors paid $100 to participate and will receive 4 tickets and table space in the lobby of the State before the movie. Non-profits paid $60 for the same benefits. The State Theatre will take care of printing posters and will distribute them to local businesses and on campus. We will also distribute to non-core area businesses and remote locations.  

Discussed expenditures for promoting “Bicycle Dreams”. Sue Barsom moved and Lynda Bullard seconded a motion to spend up to $200 on posters for the movie presentation, and another $240 on tickets for the sponsors. The motion passed unanimously.* 

The last order of business for the evening was election of officers for 2012. Paul Rito, Chuck Anderson, and Lynda Bullard agreed to continue serving. Mike Shamalla said he would continue as Secretary but would give it up if someone stepped forward. Joan Potter volunteered to serve as Secretary for 2012. Sue Barsom motioned to accept the slate of officers and Brian Dempsey seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

*-post meeting update. Poster printing cost expected to be approx $85, and an additional sponsor, The Bicycle Shop, signed on.

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