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Meeting Minutes 11/8/2011

11/8 Meeting Summary

In attendance: Paul Rito, Chuck Anderson, Lynda Bullard, Jim Serene, Brucie Serene, Kate Marshall-Chase, David Chase, Beverly Crow, Pat ???  (one other)

1) As further background about the award for Trish, Chuck suggested that we establish a “CRBC Hero” award with Trish to be our first recipient. The hero award will be given on an “as-befits” basis rather than doing one a year or on some other schedule. When something good is accomplished in the area for cycling, the award would go to the one(s) responsible. (I can see Joe Lundberg as a future recipient, F-T and the Bicycle Shop for their community involvement — Eddies, too, but less so, and RBR is here, but services out-of-towners mostly).

2) Freeze-Thaw’s raffle at their UK night function earned us $180 and a new membership. Jordyn, please pass along our thanks to all involved.

3) We signed up for a paypal account to accept donations for the Kallari bicycle collection project.

4) Lynda Bullard reported that our bank balance is approx. $3100 ($800 of that is committed to the Kallari project).

5) Membership. It was decided that we will maintain an annual membership with May (bike month) being the designated renewal month. Lynda Bullard reported that we have 20 current members including one business (Videon Central). Missing from that list is the most everyone, including myself. We have 198 people on the CRBC-L mailing list (but few participants in activities outside our core group).

To make signing up and renewing easier, I will add a paypal option and interactive form to our website. It is hoped that once that is active, all current executives and board members will help test the system by making their memberships current (including myself). Once the system is tested, I will make a post to the CRBC-L announcing it and will make a similar request to make themselves current for the year. That post will include a summary of CRBC “benefits” — things like the rumble strip removal, bike month, other advocacy things, etc., etc.

6) We discussed creating a new, unmoderated mailing list for cycling related discussions (or sending folks to our existing forums), and changing CRBC-L to a moderated “announcement” list. The reason for this is to encourage people to stay on CRBC-L — I have had multiple people tell me they signed off of CRBC-L after various flame wars or rants. We need to keep those folks on the list to keep them informed, and hopefully involved.

7) Discussed ways to become a clearinghouse for local rides. There are multiple activities going on, but people visiting or new to the area have no place to go to find late-breaking info on rides.  I will look at the technical aspects of have such a clearinghouse and how it might work. Joe Lundberg is definitely interested and I think we could get the NMBA and the Creamery ride groups to join in, too.

That’s all I’ve got,


BFC Application and Bike Rack Inventory


Locate and log your favorite bike rack by map here:
or by form here:

The CRBC is in the process of collecting data for an application for Bicycle Friendly Community status for the Centre Region Council of Governments. The council’s executive and transportation committees have endorsed work on the application and SC Boro, and College, Ferguson, Halfmoon, Harris and Patton Townships have all offered resolutions or proclamations doing the same.

We’ve worked to get rumble strips are mitigated, and they’ve been removed on RTs 45, 192 and 144 (PA Bike Routes G and V). Others will be paved over on the normal paving cycle and no more rumbles will be added. Now that that’s accomplished, we’re working on securing Bike Friendly status and now we  need your help. There won’t be any meetings to attend, no committees to serve on, and no request for monetary contributions.

Simply, as you’re out cycling, walking, driving, hiking, dining, running errands, etc. if you take note of a bike rack at your apartment, business, church, school, shop, park, or wherever, could you let us know about it? 

We’ve created a Google Map here:, where you can add a pushpin to locate a bike rack and give us the associated info. If you check the map first, you can find out whether we already know about the rack.

If you can’t check or use the map, you can fill out a form here:

Or, send an e-mail to Paul Rito with the following info (fill-in as much as you can): 

Place: (for example, Wegman’s Market, XXX Township Office, Sunset Park, etc.) 
Address: (full address would be nice, but even an approximate address will help, e.g., “200 Block of W. Hamilton Ave.”
Capacity: (estimate by number of wheel slots and whether the rack is one sided or two sided)
Zip: (Optional) 
Municipality: SC Boro | ClgTwp | FergTwp | PatnTwp | HarisTwp | HalfmnTwp
Type of Location: School | Government Building | Library | Transit Station | Park & Rec Center | Office Building | Shops | Public Housing
Rack Type: Grid | Wave | W | U | Bollard | Low Profile | Other  (see examples below) 
GPS Coordinates, if known: (Optional)
Is the rack covered? Yes | No

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