Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – April 2013


Written by Joan Potter

April 17, 2013

Meeting held at the State College Borough building.


  • Jim Serene, President
  • Brian Dempsey, Vice President
    • Lynda Crow, Treasurer 
    • Joan Potter, Secretary 
    • Paul Rito, ex officio  

The meeting was called to order by Jim Serene at 6:00 pm.  A quorum of directors was present, and the meeting was ready to proceed with business.

Bike Month Activities

Discussion started with mention of the numerous benefits that business donations provide to CRBC, including support of upcoming bike month activities – going forward, thank you letters will be sent. Paul Rito will create a press release for bike month activities and distribute to the CDT, Collegian, etc.

CRBC Membership Campaign

An email notice will be sent to the list serve during the first week of May to announce the annual membership renewal information. Need to encourage members to be proactive in inviting people from various townships to join and help represent their community.

Bicycle Advisory Committee

Jim and Brian reviewed their meeting with Jeff Luck regarding the formation of a BAC for the Centre Region Transportation Land Use Committee.  BAC is the number 1 recommendation from the League of American Bicyclists’ Bike Friendly Community award. Discussed forming a BAC independent of TLU.

The next general membership meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00 pm in the Borough Building.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary

Meeting Minutes – March 2013



Written by Joan Potter

March 5, 2013


Meeting held at the State College Borough building.



·         Jim Serene, President

·         Brian Dempsey, Vice President

·         Lynda Crow, Treasurer

·         Joan Potter, Secretary

·         Paul Rito, ex officio

·         Roy Greenfield

·         Jean Bemis

·         Nathan Geiger

·         Laura Brown


The meeting was called to order by Jim Serene at 6:00 pm.  A quorum of directors was present, and the meeting was ready to proceed with business.


National Bike Month

Reviewed the proclamation of May as National Bike Month and May 17th as Bike-to-Work Day drafted by Brian Dempsey for the Borough, COG, PSU and surrounding Townships. Each entity will be contacted to request the resolution be added to their April meeting agenda. Brian will attend the Borough meeting, COG, PSU, Patton Twp and Harris Twp, Jim Serene will attend College and Ferguson Twp, and Joan Potter will attend the Halfmoon Twp. meeting.


Bike Path Commemoration

Jim Serene proposed CRBC commemorate the new bike path to the Mt. Nittany Middle school with a sign designating it as “Remick Way” in honor of Forrest Remick. Mr. Remick is on the College Township Counsel and initiated the effort to change the path from gravel to paved asphalt. Usage of the path now exceeds expectations. Discussion followed and the general consensus was positive, there were no objections to our supporting recognition of Mr. Remick in this way.  Motion by Paul Rito:  Move to approve up to $200 for a sign; seconded and unanimously adopted.  (The township manager, Adam Brumbaugh will provide us with further details.)


CRBC Membership Campaign

The current CRBC membership form was reviewed, and there was discussion of when to send out the dues notice. Motion by Roy Greenfield:  Move to approve the annual dues remain as is and the notice be emailed in May; seconded and unanimously adopted.  


Laura Brown suggested asking PSU/Borough to send a CRBC membership notice to their bike permit list along with information on the benefits of bike registration.


Friday, April 26th, the last day of PSU classes, was selected as the date to have a membership drive and distribute Bike Month awareness information at the main gate of PSU on College Ave.  Jackie Sheader at CATA will be contacted to request a $150 grant for promoting Bike Month. Lydia Vandenbergh at PSU will be contacted to arrange for the table set-up.


Brief discussion of Bike Month activities followed. Community rides are planned for Saturday, May 11th in conjunction with the SCASD.


Treasurer’s Report

Approval requested to pay the following:

·         $  75 – League of American Bicyclists advocacy coalition dues

·         $100 – Alliance for Biking and Walking advocacy coalition dues

·         $  88 – Liability insurance

·         $  86 – Post office box rental

Motion by Brian Dempsey:  Move to approve payment of the above listed expenses; seconded and unanimously adopted.


Bicycle Advisory Committee

Jim Serene reviewed the concept of a Bicycle Advisory Committee and shared information about a similar organization in south central Pennsylvania that could be used as a model. Website:


CRBC Website

Members present were asked to review the CRBC website and make suggestions on what should be updated. Discussion on the best use of CRBC funds resulted in the following list being drafted:

·         League Certified Instructor Training ($300 fee)

·         Street Skills for Cyclists ($5 subsidy towards $33 cost for up to 20 attendees per year)

·         National Bike Summit fee for one attendee per year

·         Bicycle education

·         Community biking activities

·         Promotion of Bike Month awareness

·         CRBC marketing

·         Advocacy group memberships (League of American Bicyclists, Alliance for Biking & Walking)

·         Basic expenses (insurance, post office box, etc.)


CVIM Cycling for Care

The 5th annual CVIM fundraising ride is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th. They asked CRBC to include an announcement on our website. Discussion followed. It was suggested that CVIM be asked to do a presentation in May during Bike Month on the health benefits of cycling.


The next general membership meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd at 6:00 pm in the Borough Building.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary

Meeting Minutes – February 2013

MINUTES of CRBC Executive Meeting

Written by Joan Potter

February 17, 2013

Meeting held at Videon Central, 2171 Sandy Dr, State College, PA.


·         Jim Serene, President

·         Brian Dempsey, Vice President

·         Lynda Crow, Treasurer

·         Joan Potter, Secretary

·         Paul Rito, ex officio

·         Joyce Eveleth, SC Borough – AmeriCorps

The meeting was called to order by Jim Serene at 4:10 pm. A quorum of directors was present, and the meeting was ready to proceed with business.

Bike Light Giveaway

Joyce Eveleth gave a quick overview of the proposed bike light giveaway by the Bicycle Ambassadors. They have 70 sets of small bike lights to distribute one evening during the week of March 11th. She asked for recommendations on the location to distribute. Lynda suggested in front of the Borough building, and for effect, to have a police officer available to flag down cyclists without a light. And then reward them with the lights. Also a way to provide positive reinforcement for safe cycling habits, such as wearing a helmet. Jim suggested creating a feedback mechanism – a handout to go with the lights that asks the recipient to send an email to acknowledge receipt of the lights. Joyce will send us a notice of the date/time. She departed from the meeting at 4:30pm.

Executive Committee

Jim suggested setting a regular meeting date every other month on the first Tuesday night of the month.

A new Executive Committee was proposed as follows:

·         Jim Serene, President

·         Brian Dempsey, Vice President

·         Lynda Crow, Treasurer

·         Joan Potter, Secretary

·         Paul Rito, ex officio

·         Sue Barsom, PSU Institute for Sustainability

·         Terri Rudy Pontzer, NMBA

·         Kurt Deutsch, SC Biking Group

·         Erik Scott, The Bike Shop

There was discussion of forming a Bicycle Advisory Committee to COG which would meet quarterly with Trish Meek. This was the #1 recommendation on the list of improvement recommendations from the League on the Bicycle Friendly Community award. Jim proposed that it include the CRBC Executive Committee as well as a representative from the School District, the State College Police, Penn Dot, and all the bike shops.

The next ‘Street Skills for Cyclists’ course will be taught by Paul Rito on April 20th. Brian Dempsey expressed interest in becoming a League Instructor, which would be great to have more than one in the area.

Discussed the annual membership renewal announcement; suggested sending out an email to the list serve on or before May 1st.

There was mention of planning ahead for next year to sponsor someone to attend the National Bike Summit, the premier advocacy event. It would be a worthwhile use of funds and FreezeThaw offered to make a donation to support this.

The next general membership meeting will be Tuesday, March 5th at 6:00 pm in the Borough Building.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary


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