September 2018 Membership Minutes

Minutes of Centre Bike Meeting Sept. 10, 2018.
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm by Paul Rito.

Attendance: Jim Serene, Michelle Chernega, Henry Margusity, Jean Bemis, Paul Rito, Cecily Zhu, Trish Meek, Mark Davison, Ed Jenkins, and Tim Nebgen

  1. Treasurer’s report: The bank account is $11,271.43.
  2. Stakeholder Reports:
    1. Penn DOT: Penn DOT received a grant recently and used the funds for educational seminars. Bike kits were also distributed. The objective is to increase bicycle safety and ridership.
    2. PSU: Cecily reported that a new app. was developed by a Penn State alum. , Lynsie Campbell. The app. is named Lane Spotter and is free. This will allow anyone who has the app to comment about the bike ride in any location. This should help to improve routes and paths.
      1. A new bike registration called Bike Index will be used to register bikes. PSU will give the region access to this registration. The purpose of the registration will be to identify bikes. The owner can be notified in the event one is stolen or left in so long that the university will remove it after 90 days notice.
    3. COG: Trish Meek mentioned classes for biking. She suggested that we consider an addition to a regular meeting—say from 6:30 to 7:30. This time could be used for information sessions such as Winter Riding.
    4. State College Cycling Club: Henry Margusity spoke about the fact that the SCCC would consider having each new member of their club become a member of CentreBike. Also, that if CentreBike was interested in having members ride for non-competitive ride, we could partner with the SCCC on their slow Thursday rides. When liability concerns were brought up for CentreBike, Henry felt that the SCCC’s liability insurance could be used. Jim Serene suggested that since Centre Bike did not have a quorum, we consider having Henry back at the next meeting for more discussion and a vote.
      Henry stated that the SCCC feels that CentreBike should be the umbrella organization for the SCCC, NIMBA, WAC, and other bike groups in the area.
  3. Updates
    1. Paul Rito: Announced that $2,300 has been allocated to yard signs to urge motorists to drive safely around bicyclists. We will ask for a donation from those who agree to have a sign.
    2. Plans are set for light give away (Light the Night) on Nov. 5th . Cecily has a large volunteer base to assist in distributing the lights.
    3. Paul Rito announced that the Visitor’s Bureau is considering a GPS app. and that regional crash data is on our web site.
  4. Discussion
    1. Trish showed a Patton Township map with bike suggestions. Plan: Every board member, and anyone in Centre Bike should review the map. At our next meeting, CentreBike should write a letter to Patton Township with suggestions and comments about the existing and proposed bicycle infrastructure in Patton Township.
  5. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.


James Serene, filling in for Autumn Busbee

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