Meeting Minutes – December 2014

MINUTES of CentreBike General Meeting

December 09, 2014

Meeting held at the State College Borough building.


  • Jim Serene, President
  • Meagan Tuttle, Vice President
  • Paul Barsom, Treasurer
  • Joan Potter, Secretary
  • Anna Morrison Nelson
  • Jean Bemis
  • Sue Barsom
  • Paul Rito
  • Lynda Crow
  • Brian Dempsey
  • Brucie Serene
  • Nan Moschella
  • Kirsty Lloyd
  • Dave Chase
  • Eric Durante
  • Catherine Grigor
  • Henry Margusity
  • Ed Jenkins

The meeting was called to order by Jim Serene at 5:30 pm.  A quorum was present, and the meeting was ready to proceed with business.

Minutes of the October 21, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Sue Barsom moved to approve; Brucie Serene second; all in favor.

Joan Potter noted there are 52 recorded members, 25 are current in the past 12 months of which 7 are new members.

Paul Barsom presented the Financial Report:  $86 received for memberships; $26 paid out for Survey Monkey expense; ending balance = $4,058.41.

Shared Use Path Survey Update

There were 203 responses received to the survey. The input gathered on frequency of use of the South Atherton bikeway was presented to the College Twp Council meeting on Dec 4th with very positive results – they approved hiring Scotts Landscaping to provide winter maintenance on the bikeway to the border of Harris Township. Next step is persuading Harris Twp to assume maintenance of the remainder of the path to Boalsburg.  

‘Doing Business As’ CentreBike Status was used to file an Application for Registration of Fictitious Name with the PA Dept of State Corporation Bureau (document appended). CentreBike can officially be used to represent Centre Region Bicycle Coalition.

Election of Executive Committee Member

A motion to approve the nomination and elect Brian Dempsey as a member of the Executive Committee was made by Paul Rito; Sue Barsom second; motion passed unanimously.

Marketing and Communications Committee

Anna Nelson, Committee Chair, reported on the input gathered from committee members assessing the current situation and the proposed recommendations. The focus:

  1. Develop a new visual identify for the CentreBike brand.  Create a new logo, color scheme, tag line, etc., utilize branded emails with a new email client and limit the listserv for outbound communication only (no discussions), and plan a launch of the new CentreBike identity in Mar/Apr.
  2. Improve member communications. Provide immediate confirmation (automated message) to new members with a friendly message sharing upcoming events, send annual membership renewal notices, and develop newsletter to share activities, achievements and upcoming events.
  3. Promote CentreBike to the community. Plan special events; partner with businesses and organizations to promote cycling.
  4. Update the website.

(A member noted that the new automated message should contain info on how to log in to website.)

Events Committee

Meagan Tuttle, Committee Chair, reported the first event was a success:  Maintenance & Mittens was held at FreezeThaw Cycles on Dec 6th. Information was presented on how to care for your bike in the winter and what to wear to stay comfortable. The second event will be the CentreBike Holiday Party for members and non-members, which will follow tonight’s meeting and is being hosted by FreezeThaw Cycles.

Bike Safety

Good discussion around the recent controversy over bike safety with ideas on how CentreBike could lead a Bike Safety Initiative in the community: start a safety campaign within the biking groups (SCCC, NMBA, PSU Cycling); public promotion with a full page CDT ad or billboard showing photos of who bikers are – mothers, fathers, teachers, doctors, etc.  Attend township meetings and talk during “citizen input” sessions.

Clarifying Roles of CentreBike and Centre Region Bicycle Advisory Committee (CRBAC)

Brian Dempsey explained why CRBAC was created and its purpose as a separate entity from CentreBike.  Suggestion to provide CRBAC informational updates on CentreBike website.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, it adjourned at 7:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Joan Potter, Secretary


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