Meeting Minutes February 2012


February 15, 2012

A regular meeting of CRBC was held at the State College Borough building on Wednesday, February 15, 2012.


Paul Rito, President
Chuck Anderson, Vice President
Lynda Bullard, Treasurer
Joan Potter, Secretary
Brian Dempsey, Executive Committee Member
Sue Barsom, Executive Committee Member
Cliff Kanz
Jean Bemis

Courtney Hayden, SC Borough – Communication & Grants Coordinator

Joyce Eveleth, SC Borough – AmeriCorps volunteer

Kevin Jolly & Kelsey ?, Students Consulting for Non-Profit Organizations

The meeting was called to order by Paul Rito at 7:30 pm. The Treasurer, Lynda Bullard, reported the checking account balance is $3,000. The Bicycle Dreams movie was a success with 318 people attending and netting $608 in profit. The total received from donations and ticket sales was $1,060 and expenses were $452.

Courtney Hayden presented information on Advocacy Advance Capacity Building Grants 2012. These matching grants can be used to “support organizational development, hiring staff, building membership and other tools to foster a sustainable advocacy organization”. The inquiry proposal deadline is Friday, March 9th, with notification by April 6th if we are invited to submit a final proposal, which is due May 4th. Discussed using grant funds for the Bicycle Ambassador Program and for 3-minute CNET spots on bicycle safety awareness which would air prior to council meetings. As a partner agency of the Borough, CRBC can use sponsor funds from the Borough to match this grant. Grant recipients are required to submit progress reports and financial reports. To qualify, CRBC must be a member of the League of American Bicyclists (we are), and the Alliance for Biking & Walking (we are not). Sue Barsom motioned to approve the $100 fee to join the Alliance for Biking & Walking. Jean Bemis seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Cliff Kanz distributed brochures on the Kallari project. Kevin Jolly asked what marketing plan the group wanted. Suggestions included a link to the Borough website, a Facebook page and a press release. Kevin mentioned that a marketing communication specialist is available to help. Sue Barsom noted that the bicycle drop off site will be the Penn State Center for Sustainability MorningStar site. Four dates in March have been identified for collecting events: March 11, 12, 18 and 25. The site will be open from 11:00-4:00 and volunteers are needed to staff it. A bicycle fix-up date needs to be set to repair bikes early in April, as bikes will be moved out April 21st.

Brian Dempsey opened discussion on Earth Day, which is Friday, April 20th. Recommended CRBC have a table in the HUB from 11:00-3:00 and/or at the Allen Street Gate. Bike to Work Day could be promoted along with Mentoring. Noted that this is also Blue-White Weekend. Cori mentioned that she & Joyce might be able to staff one of the tables and promote the Bicycle Ambassador program.

May is Bike Month and the group discussed options to promote Bike to Work Day/ Week/ Month, including:

  •  Four Townships and a Borough Ride (possible CBICC & Visitors Bureau involvement?)
  •  Winery Ride
  •  Linden Loop Ride
  •  School District Bike To School program
  1. oBeverly Crowe is scheduled to attend the high school meeting on Feb 23rd regarding Bike to School program. Paul Rito willing to commit to two Saturday rides on the Bike Paths with the School District group rides.
  •  Bike to PSU Day (might be better in the fall, but could promote it in May)
  •  Bike Safety Class
  •  Street Skills for Cyclists
  •  Special events at bike shops
  •  Ask coffee shops to offer free/discounted coffee for cyclists for Bike to Work Day (CDT Daily Deal?)

Cori suggested approaching the Women’s Outdoor Group to partner with CRBC. She also noted that Appalachian Outdoors is petitioning to close Allen Street for a day in the spring and perhaps CRBC could coordinate an event with them.

The Bike Friendly Community application will be filed on Thursday, Feb 16th by Trish Meek.

This meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.

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